Habidom, established in December 2001, is active in the area of ​​road signs,  a company certified by ISO9001, accredited by APCER.

Our products are designed with high quality materials, incorporating widely tested technologies and guaranteeing a longer life and low maintenance, being able to be powered by conventional energy or through alternative energies. Our solutions are produced under the most demanding standards of the European Community, approved by the official bodies of Portugal, the Portuguese Quality Institute and with their designs and patents registered at the National Institute of Industrial Property.

Habidom offers two types of services:  product sale or orientation of new projects, from the moment of conception to the installation. Equipped with human capital, made up of highly experienced and qualified employees for the installation of its products, uses working methods that allow a high degree of reliability in the execution of the works.

The growing demand for the solutions offered by Habidom, both by EC countries, namely Spain, Belgium and France, and by developing African countries such as Angola and Nigeria, is a recognition of the high quality of the products and services offered. Motivation for the constant process of innovation and development apanágio of this company.

Pride in our career and recognition achieved not only requires us to constantly research and develop new products and work methods, but also serves as the unique motivation to continue to lead our area of ​​activity.

Our work is daily guided by the goal of developing new products, innovating in the presentation to the market of different and unique solutions, always with the purpose of continuing to lead in the quality of the service that we provide to our clients.

Habidom’s mission is to create and develop products that have an impact on reducing road accidents, promoting the well-being and safety for the society. We are also proud to encourage the use of renewable energies, particularly solar, thus contributing to the preservation of the environment and to a more efficient use of the natural resources at our disposal.


To satisfy its customers, exceeding their expectations in the functionalities of the products presented and in the services provided and consolidating the image of an innovative company,

To maintain a relationship with the responsible entities for road safety and active signaling, safeguarding and consolidating market leadership in proposing innovative, reliable and functional solutions,

To conceptualize functional and innovative dynamic signage solutions with superior reliability,

To be differentiated by the rigor in the fulfillment of the commitments assumed with customers, namely the scrupulous fulfillment of installation deadlines, the availability for quick response, the differentiable quality of the products used and the services provided in the execution of the work,

Consolidate organization’s profitability by complying with the legal requirements applicable to its activity, to the reference standard (ISO9001) and continuously improving the effectiveness of the integrated quality management system,

Providing the organization with an efficient functional structure with high levels of motivation / satisfaction and assuming a culture and posture of market leadership and innovation against competition, pursuing high standards of service and customer service,

Privilege a proactive relationship with suppliers who are partners as they seek the best and most innovative product and service quality solutions, fostering solid relationships of common benefit.